Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Technology 韩国工业经济与技术研究所
Sustainable development of marine fishery economy in China& in the view of industrial economics 浅析我国海洋渔业经济可持续发展问题&从产业经济学角度
A number of Chinese companies came with us to understand how they can invest here, Liu Haiyan, vice-chairman of the China Federation of Industrial Economics, said on the sidelines of the Summit on Sino-European economic relations in Hamburg last week. 许多中国企业和我们一起来到这里,了解如何在这里投资,中国工经联(ChinaFederationofIndustrialEconomics)副会长刘海燕上周在汉堡中欧经济峰会(SummitonSino-Europeaneconomicrelations)间隙表示。
The response coefficient and influence coefficient in input-output method are often used to appraise the tensile and impulse action of each sector and identify the key sectors in industrial economics. 产业经济学常用投入产出方法中的影响力系数和感应度系数来评价部门的拉动和推动作用,从而作为确定国民经济中关键部门最重要的参考指标。
Based on the viewpoint of industrial economics, this paper put forward that the geo-information industry of China is in the industry expanding period at present. 根据产业经济学的观点,提出我国地理信息产业目前处于产业扩张阶段的观点,推动产业规模迅速扩大成为行业发展的主要目标。
The mutual learning strategy is put forward according to the SCP analysis framework from industrial economics. 通过借鉴产业经济学中SCP分析框架,提出了基于结构决定行为的研发联盟互动学习策略。
The first effort of the paper is to build an integrated framework for analysis by comprehensive study general theories concerning relationship between structural transformation and agricultural development based on Development Economics, New Institutional Economics and Industrial Economics. 首先,本文运用发展经济学、新制度经济学和产业经济学理论,对经济结构转换与农业发展的一般关系理论,进行了系统综合、充实与完善,构建了一个完整的理论分析框架。
According to the principles of industrial economics and regulatory economics, the paper analyzes the necessity of Regulating High-tech Industry. 本文根据产业经济学和规制经济学的基本原理,分析了对高新技术产业进行规制的必要性;
Pricing is the core of industrial economics. 定价问题是产业经济学的核心问题。
Based on the research which is insufficient to the present financial analysis, this article attempts to utilize the industrial economics, the enterprise strategy management and the modern corporate finance theory, proposed new finance analysis pattern which is more effective for management and decision-making. 基于对现行财务分析不足的研究,文章试图运用产业经济学、企业战略管理和现代公司财务理论,提出一个新的、对管理决策更为有效的财务分析模式。
Introduces the methods system of industrial economics from two aspects of industrial organization theory research method and industrial structure theory research method. 从产业组织理论研究方法和产业结构理论研究方法这两个方面介绍了产业经济学的方法体系。
Based on the regional economics and industrial economics, this paper argues the effects of the leading industry on economic growth and the criteria of how to select the leading industry. 从产业结构学和区域经济学的角度分析了县域经济主导产业对经济发展的影响以及主导产业选择的标准。
To research industrial emergence and development with networks perspective is a new approach in industrial economics. The results of this paper provide theory to breed new industry and make industrial policies. 本文从网络角度研究产业的形成和发展,是产业经济学的一种新的研究方法,有关结论对培育新的产业、制定产业政策提供了理论依据。
International Trade and FDI: An Analysis Based on Industrial Economics 国际贸易和直接投资:基于产业经济学的分析
Informationization is a dynamic process from industrial economics to informational economics, from industrial society to informational society. 信息化是从工业经济向信息经济、从工业社会向信息社会演进的动态过程。
The research on the entry and exit barriers is an important part of industrial economics. 进入与退出壁垒的研究是产业经济学的重要组成部分。
Based on international trade, industrial economics theory, it analyzed the effect of Japanese green trade barriers. 首先,借鉴国际贸易学、产业经济学理论,在理论上分析了日本绿色贸易壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响。
In addition, research on the relation between financial development and industrial structure is helpful to the theoretical research of the finance and industrial economics. 另外,研究金融发展和产业结构的关系,也为金融学和产业经济学的理论发展拓展了空间。
Competition and monopoly have always been an eternal topic for industrial economics. 竞争和垄断一直是产业经济学研究的一个永恒话题。
This study takes cold chain logistics industry organizations in Shandong Province as the research object, uses the SCP analysis of industrial economics paradigm of market structure, market conduct and market performance to work out the organizational development of cold chain logistics industry in our province. 本文以山东省冷链物流产业组织作为研究对象,利用产业经济学的SCP分析范式,从市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效三个方面对我省冷链物流产业组织发展情况进行了考察。
We systematically reviewed economic theory of the media industry and development literature and the theory of literature, comprehensive use of industrial economics, management, communications, sociology theory, applied to the media industry to study the process of development. 本文通过对传媒经济理论文献和产业发展的理论文献进行系统回顾,综合运用产业经济学、管理学、传播学、社会学等理论,应用到去研究传媒产业的发展的过程中。
The study of IA theory related to many disciplines: industrial economics, regional economics and so on. 产业集聚理论的研究涉及到产业经济学、区域经济学等诸多学科。
Industrial cluster development model is the key point of industrial economics research in the recent years and in the vigorous implementation of economic development around the world, in developed countries have a significant economic. 而产业集聚发展现象是近年来产业经济研究的重点,并在全球各地经济发展中得到了大力的推行,在发达国家已经获得了明显的经济效益。
With the actual agricultural industrialization, mainly on organizational innovation and institutional change theory, commodity production, specialization and social theory, scale theory, industrial economics, regional economics, the theory of socialist market economy. 结合农业产业化实际,主要对组织创新与制度变迁理论、商品生产专业化与社会化理论、规模效益理论、产业经济学理论、区域经济学理论、社会主义市场经济理论进行了简要述评。
This thesis bases the theory of microeconomics and industrial economics, starting from the perspective of the supply and demand, in theory we analyze the reasons of structural problems in the supply and demand in the steel market, which is the focus of this thesis. 随后以微观经济学和产业经济学的相关理论为基础,理论上从供给和需求两方面出发对钢铁市场中供需结构问题的原因进行了分析,这也是本文的重点所在。
First, defines the relevant concepts and theoretical basis, and elaborates the logistics doctrine; then, expounded the three theories related to this study, they are the industrial economics theory, development economics theory, sustainable development theory. 首先对物流相关概念和理论进行了界定,并介绍了物流的相关学说;接着,阐述了和本文研究相关的三个理论,分别为产业经济学理论、发展经济学理论、可持续发展理论。
At the same time, we absorb other methods of modern economics: theory and research methods in regional economics, industrial economics and other related disciplines. 同时吸收了其他现代经济学分析方法:区域经济学、产业经济学等相关学科的理论和研究方法。